On this page we have details of presentation timings and instructions.
Scroll down or click for Poster instructions.
Each presentation should be 8 minutes maximum, with 2 minutes for questions.
Please try and stick to time as it is a shame to either have to rush through a presentation without time for questions, or for the chair to cut you off in your prime! I would suggest a maximum of 8 slides.
Presentations should be created in PowerPoint and brought with you on the day on a USB stick.
Please can you also send a copy to aweeks@liverpool.ac.uk as a backup in case of emergency.
Andrew Weeks
BICS Scientific Committee
The POOL study - Establishing the safety of waterbirth for mothers and their babies
Changing Workplace Culture and Multidisciplinary Engagement
Contemporary experience of planned vaginal breech birth at a single institution in the USA - a case series
The OptiBreech Care Pilot Trial: On-going cohort results, insights and future research plans
Exploring implementation of findings from two randomised controlled trials into intrapartum care practice: a qualitative study
Implementation evaluation of the Birmingham Symptom specific Obstetric Triage System (BSOTS) in practice: A Mixed Methods Evaluation Study
Your poster will be displayed digitally within our Oxford Abstracts Event web-app and in person.
For the online poster gallery, please save your poster in pdf format, no bigger than 10MB. You will need to upload this by 8th November 2023 to ensure the gallery is ready for the conference. You can do this by logging into Oxford Abstracts and editing your submission - a new question is available which enables you to upload your poster.
You can bring a physical copy of your poster - A0 in portrait orientation on the morning of the Conference on 16th November. Poster boards and pins will be available for mounting.
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